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surprise twist

Here’s something unusual, a twist to the usual action. Bullet-headed Bruno, Choky Ice, and Sabby play poker, while blonde Samantha White sits nearby. She’s got middle-aged MILF appeal in her little black dress as she quietly observes their game. When Sabby accidentally spills a little of his drink on her chest, it leads to wipe-up time and then, surprisingly, his pinching her nipples and putting clothespins on her tits through her dress. Yes, these players take an S&M break while getting Samantha half-naked. The clothespins come off, but the guys pull hard on her nipples while getting her kneeling on the card table for cock sucking. There’s some deepthroat action on their big dicks and then Samantha gets rewarded with metal clips attached to her nips. Those clips don’t last for long, though, and in the end the guys put Samantha between them and twist hard on her tits while she blows them to orgasm for a facial cumshot and cream on her boobs.

  • 00:38:33
  • Aug 25, 2013
  • 490


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