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pampering plus

Those two tall and leggy lasses, Charlotta from the Czech Republic and Chelsey Lanette from the Netherlands, are sitting around in the garden when Chelsey starts pampering Charlottas size 6.5 feet. She inserts pink toe separators to prepare for polishing Charlottas nails a bright red. Then, after Charlottas toes dry, the two gals get frisky with foot fetish fun as Chelsey licks Charlottas toes and Charlotta slides her foot against Chelseys naked snatch. Charlotta fucks Chelseys flowery twat as Chelsey deeply sucks on her friends toes, inspiring Charlotta to remove Chelseys shoes and return the favor. Some great angles capture Charlottas newly red toenails as her feet pull apart Chelseys pussy lips. Terrific overhead views captured by our DDF camera crews show us the full length of the ladies long legs as well, and then the babes get down to some vibrator play before Chelsey gets back to the toe sucking with Charlottas feet while pulling apart her own cunny with the heels of

  • 00:26:43
  • Sep 16, 2013
  • 287


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