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she cleans our sacs

Wow!! Karina Heart from the Czech Republic is back today, providing yet another fantastic scene to spin us into a whirlwind of fantasies about big natural boobs! This time Karina plays a hotel maid in a black-and-white frilly uniform, but she’s more interested in cleaning out our sacs than making up beds and collecting linen. Her outfit quickly comes down as she uses her feather-duster to seduce us with her deep cleavage. Our DDF cameras capture some great low angles and sideboob shots of her fabulous 34H bells as they hang free from her clothes, both propped over her bra and then out of it. Her pink nipples are so close to the lens you’ll almost be able to suck them yourself! But wait until you see the great vistas of the Heart hooters in her nude pics and Full HD video as she leans over and the camera shoots down from above--what a sexy sight as those knockers hang free!! Karina eventually gets naked and plays with her jugs, pancaking them against her torso with her hands--and then hefting each boob toward us so we can imagine the ultimate in nuzzling!!

  • 00:14:53
  • Sep 22, 2013
  • 348


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