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nurse to the rescue

It looks like a job for Nurse Alexis Brill when hardhat Mugur shows up with some stiffness in his back after heavy lifting on the job. Alexis gives him an injection in his butt, and then she notices he’s got some additional stiffness in the front! Soon she’s applying all the skills she DIDN’T learn in nursing school (or at least, not in her classes) as the wild girl gobbles his dick in this hardcore XXX video. To speed up his recovery, Alexis sits on his face for some sixty-nine therapy, and then she gets up on the exam table to give him doggie style exercises which will limber up that lower back of his. Between her cock sucking, his pussy licking and tittie sucking, and their clinches on the table, Mugur earns a clean bill of health again as he spurts all over her snatch.

  • 00:26:52
  • Sep 27, 2013
  • 291


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