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money s in her mouth

One of the truly classic themes of erotica is the pizza guy getting paid for his delivery with something other than cash...and one of the messages of this scenario is that a girl’s mouth can be as good as money when it’s time to pay for the pepperoni! So when you arrive to drop off a pizza in this POV video, you’re met by Karol Lilien aka Sarol, a Czech hottie who has little interest in the kind of sausage sliced over cheese and tomato sauce, and much more interest in the sausage that you carry in your shorts! This atmospheric new scene puts you right into Karol’s mouth as she gives you all the cock sucking you could want, grasping your big dick in her perfectly red-manicured fingers as she closes her long-lashed blue eyes to experience blowjob heaven with your inches cramming her face, her impressive deep throat antics leading to a messy load that slides down her hand even as she gleefully licks it off with her lusty tongue!

  • 00:12:53
  • Oct 01, 2013
  • 159


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