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showing the num nums

Olivia from Russia gives us an enthusiastic introduction when she appears her first time on camera with us for her leg fetish casting. The 5 8" brunette has got long luscious legs made for worshipping and a booty that looks delicious in jeans as you ll see in her amateur pics. She knows how to work the toes of her size 8.5 feet like a ballerina, for sure to make all foot fetish lovers drool. After taking us for a ride, circling her legs as if on a bicycle, she finally shows us her sweet titties and shaved pussy. And then the highlight is when the cameraman asks her to "num num", and bring her peds to her mouth, which she does with ease, making your mouth water for more.

  • 00:04:42
  • Oct 03, 2013
  • 192


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