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mouth of a maid

Here’s one perk that isn’t advertised in the online discount travel offers! You arrive at your hotel and find lovely maid Sasha Jones laying on the bed, clearly in a very sensual mood as she rolls around--as close to masturbating as a vibrant young female can get without actually indulging herself! Embarrassed to be discovered, she apologizes and tries to leave but you get to her to stay, realizing that she will be doing both herself and YOU a big favor! A little caressing and saucy teasing follow, and then Sasha gets down to scratching the itch that’s been distracting her all day--an itch for cock in that pretty mouth of hers! Looking at you with her big eyes underneath that darling maid’s cap as she hungrily sucks, she quickly gets the sperm factories churning in your sac, and with encouragement from all her slurping and stroking she soon earns herself a large load from your big dick in this POV video!

  • 00:18:39
  • Oct 08, 2013
  • 135


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