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wonders keep a-coming

Oh happy day! One of our favorite models of ALL TIME is back today--Katerina Hartlova from the Czech Republic. Here is a gal who back in the dawn of history would have inspired fertility cults in primitive peoples with her paragon of a womanly figure, all curves and roundness at 34DD-25-37. But Katerina Hartlova is here in the 21st century for lucky breast-lovers--hell, just make that woman-lovers!--and she effortlessly satisfies OUR primitive passions with her friendly, open, yet subtly seductive face on top of a body that she poses with entrancing yet unaffected skill. In her new scene she is “pinup perfect” in a red polka dot retro-style romper and 1940s-type white platform peep toe heels, the package completed with red lipstick on a lovely mouth that is enough on its own to get our spermies churning at the gate. Looking at this fantastic set of (eventually) nude pics and Full HD erotic video, you will see our DDF photographers capture Katerina Hartlova’s globes with all the angles anybody could ask for in a masterpiece of big tits porn. Oh yes, and she also sticks a vibrator into her cooch as she splashes in a pool! The wonders keep a-coming in this great new scene--so enjoy!!!

  • 00:25:46
  • Oct 13, 2013
  • 305


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