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stocking and garter show

We get a double-dose of beauties today as Candy Sweet from Hungary and Marica Hase from Japan team up to give us a nylon stocking and garter show. As they pose for us, the girls can’t keep from kissing each other and caressing their legs. Their shoes come off and we see Marica nibble on Candy’s size 7.5 peds through the nylon, and then Candy returns the favor with Marica’s size fives. Of course with such tasty femininity in prurient proximity to their tongues, the girls can’t help but lick their pussies. But soon enough the stockings get peeled down, so if you like to see your ladies with bare feet you’ll get plenty to ogle here too. How we envy Candy’s tongue on Marica’s dark-polished tootsies! Marica sucks Candy’s naked toes and the girls lay back for a few minutes of foot-69 before a big double-dong comes into play, with Candy cramming the toy into Marica’s snatch and then getting her own veeg boffed in this fetish XXX video crammed with all the high heels, toe sucking, nude soles, and nylon stockings you could want!

  • 00:33:41
  • Oct 14, 2013
  • 299


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