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goddess of glands

Joanna Bliss is one of our top talents here at the site, and we’re glad to welcome her back for her 37th appearance today! This time the Romanian gland goddess poses in a black-and-gray lacy bra and matching panties, with seamed stockings and garters, too! Looking deeply at us with her gorgeous green eyes, which are compelling enough to pull our attention away momentarily from her magnificent melons, Joanna tantalizes us with her cleavage before finally lowering the cups from her cans and letting us revel in the reality of those huge pale nipples on her 36H big natural boobs! She presses them together with her hands and arms, serving up double-loaves of loveliness for our moistening mouths. As she sits back in a chair, you’ll see how tiny her hands appear as they try to encompass the massive surface of those planets she carries in her blouse everyday!! Standing over us and baring her pussy, she leaves us lust-clotted and sperm-crazed and ready to squirt and spray as she fiddles with her snatch and hovers her hooters above as we stroke to the concluding images of this unforgettable new scene of a great busty pornstar in a Full HD video spectacular!

  • 00:20:32
  • Oct 17, 2013
  • 319


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