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payment by tongue

Kiara Lord needs help with her plumbing, which she discovers after she’s stripped her pink satin robe off her tasty 34A-25-36 body and attempted to take a shower. But no water comes out of any of her faucets--although we imagine plenty of liquid would still come out of her cute quim if she rubbed it a few times for us! Instead she calls intrepid plumbers Choky Ice and Thomas Stone to make things right. When it turns out the bill for their services is too high, Kiara resorts to the time-honored method of payment by the Penniless Princesses of Pornville, quickly baring her body and getting down on her knees to adjust THEIR plumbing. Yes, they’ll take their fee either by cash, check or tongue! Kiara looks quite fetching moving her pretty Hungarian face back and forth between their shafts, and letting us see her peachy shaved pussy too. Needless to say these sexy blowjob pics and video demonstrate that THEIR plumbing is working just fine as they goo her lips and chin in a facial cumshot.

  • 00:29:16
  • Oct 24, 2013
  • 322


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