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darling glorious tease

The new month moves into high gear today when Jessyka Swan, that petite powerhouse from Hungary, gives us a very tasty little show. Dressed in a white top and blue denim cut-offs, her size 6 feet so darling in her flip-flops, she poses on a couch and quickly gets down to her white bra and panties so we can enjoy her 34A-23-34 5’1” bod. Taking a teeny rocket-style vibrator out of her pants pocket, she lays around just in her lacy thong a bit, pulling on the crotch to tease the glorious hell out of us as she digs her bare feet into the couch and lifts up her crotch. Then she gets to work on her veeg with the toy while watching us closely for our creamy reactions!

  • 00:15:54
  • Nov 03, 2013
  • 252


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