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lust in the littlest room

There is something so basic about a woman sitting in the littlest room in her house--and you know what room that is--waiting to perform that most erotic of activities upon the upraised root of a lover. And so in today’s POV video you come upon Jasmine Black with your big dick, seeing all her busty magnificence practically spilling out of her bra, and she is only too eager to receive with her French-manicured fingers your organ into her eager mouth, as she slides off the white porcelain throne to kneel with lapping tongue before the rod that for a little while, in this little room, will become the totality of her existence as the ache in her crotch spreads up through her mammaries which scream for the coating of cream which makes her feel so lovely, so slutty, and so accomplished at her cock sucking!

  • 00:09:16
  • Dec 17, 2013
  • 225


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