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flirty tease newbie

Meet newcomer Lucy Li today as she poses on a couch in her blue and white polka dot bikini. Giving us a few pinup-style poses at first, which show off her soft and sexy curves, this barefoot beauty then lays back on the couch and treats us to some flirty Japanese-style crotch-panel tease, letting us imagine what her pussy looks like underneath the fabric. She keeps this up for awhile, even as she lets her boobs out of her bikini top, but then finally unveils her shaved snatch, which looks pink and very nourishing to our cocks and imaginations! Our cameras come in close to capture everything from her beige nipples to the deep crevice of her tushy crack, and then Lucy tops it off by rubbing herself for her pleasure and ours in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics!

  • 00:19:42
  • Dec 20, 2013
  • 267


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