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carnal care package

Soldiers always like to get care packages, so they know that the folks on the home front are thinking about their comfort and welfare while they’re deployed. And today Kathia Nobili portrays just such a soldier, who’s awakened by one of her comrades delivering a gift-wrapped package from the boyfriend she left behind. Since her guy can’t be there with her, he wants her to enjoy a flexible double dong in the privacy of her bunk. No sooner is the toy and lube out of the package, than Kathia is cramming it into her nookie, as captured in her Full HD erotic video. But the rigors of her tour of duty require maximum satisfaction to get her mind relaxed, and so into her asshole goes the other end of the device, as this hot babe twists and turns her body to get into the best position for penetration and orgasm in these hot nude pics!

  • 00:16:21
  • Dec 29, 2013
  • 254


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