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babe in the barn

Fetching farm girl Lucy Li is waiting for you in the barn in this POV video. You’re a traveling salesman and that’s how you two got acquainted. You’ve recently introduced Lucy to the delights of using her mouth to pleasure a man, and she can’t get enough of it now! So whenever you’re in the region, you’re sure to stop by to let Lucy suck your dick, demonstrating how good her cock sucking skills have become. From the moment she starts undoing her plaid blouse, your shaft starts leaking. She kneels and worships your inches, grasping your long root tightly as she savors the tip and licks along the meat. Her clothes come off too and soon she’s rubbing her pussy in her excitement, until finally her efforts pay off with a load that truly puts a smile on her face as she sees the gooey proof of her success with your big dick!! It’s a Happy Horny New Year for you and Lucy, with hopefully many more blowjobs to come!!

  • 00:11:34
  • Dec 31, 2013
  • 289


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