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When girlfriends Bobbi Starr (the taller gal) and Liz get together with Ian Scott (the taller guy) and Mike Angelo, well, the room is gonna have to be aired out afterward from all the fuck-sweat aroma!! Yes indeed, these wild girls are ready for major meat action from the git-go in their matching thigh high opaque black stockings and no panties as they kneel in front of the dicks and start throating away. Soon they pair off and Bobbi’s riding Mike’s shaft while Liz takes tool from Ian, especially in her asshole. The gapes are wild, and then the ladies switch around their stud meat and Mike fills Bobbi’s face with his cock even as she rides reverse cowgirl on Mr. Scott. Finally both gals take the double penetration route as well, stuffed to the raunchy rafters with fleshy inches in this hardcore XXX video. Needless to say, they are well-rewarded in appropriately liquid form for their erotic enthusiasm!

  • 00:42:59
  • Jan 10, 2014
  • 641


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