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making it all better

Its been a rough day, all right, but you dont feel sorry for yourself. You remember that your girlfriend Chloé Lacourt has feelings too, and maybe her day was a little difficult as well, so you decide to brighten her mood with a nice bouquet. Your instinct was correct! The flowers pick up her spirits and energize your lady. It quickly becomes apparent, too, that your gift to HER has benefits to YOU, as her tender mood leads to a massage of your weary legs. And then...well...its all captured in this POV video, as the loving French blonde moves her attention from your limbs to your log, giving you all the cock sucking a man could want after a day in the workaday jungle...taking your inches deepthroat style as her sultry blue eyes keep looking right into yours...letting you power your dick deep into her face...rubbing her hot pink snatch too...leading right up to the moments where you blow a big wad of goo on her tongue! Yep, Chloé makes it all better for you!!

  • 00:09:55
  • Jan 14, 2014
  • 229


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