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lustful distractions

In today s role play lesbian XXX video, Sweet Cat and Alyssa Reece play two young country fair maidens that run into each other in the barn while doing their chores, and instead of doing their duties, get distracted by their lust for each other and their kinky curiosity to try out the tools they find. Alyssa, the brunette beauty, has been fantasizing about Sweet Cat, the cute blonde in pig tails, and now she finally gets to live it out with plenty of titty sucking, pussy licking, and rolling pin penetration. But Alyssa is in for a surprise because Cat is quite proficient with her tongue, making Alyssa have an explosive orgasm in no time and also adventurous, using egg and batter beaters to double penetrate Alyssa s twat and puckered bud. They end their little tryst masturbating for one another and go back to their chores with plenty to daydream about for days to cum!

  • 00:23:02
  • Jan 14, 2014
  • 353


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