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scratching her itch

The DDF Sauna is probably the friendliest of all saunas on this planet of ours. Walk in, and there’s sure to be a beautiful girl with an itch to scratch in her private parts, and ready to let the nearest guy help her scratch it. Today’s itch-scratcher is the lovely Agness, relaxing in her blue bikini when Franco Roccaforte saunters in. Getting cozy, they rub each other down, then Agness slides aside his towel to tend to that enormous log he carries in his crotch. Grasping his turgid inches with her eager hands, she gives him some fine cock sucking, showing that big dick lots of loving attention in these sexy blowjob pics. Whether she leans over his meat from a standing position while he reclines on the bench, or kneels before his mighty mammoth while he powers down into her face as she rubs her shaved pussy, Agness gets her “horny girl itch” fully scratched with a satisfying cum swallow as Franco’s sauce floods her pretty mouth.

  • 00:21:42
  • Jan 19, 2014
  • 344


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