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the perfect hotel

You arrive at a hotel and in the hallway you ask maid Chelsey Lanette if your accommodations are ready. Since she’s fussing with a vacuum near your suite, it’s a reasonable question. Meanwhile, since she is a maid, and you’re paying a lot for your rooms, you figure you might as well take full advantage of all the services they offer, like rapid cleaning and laundering. So you tell Chelsey that you have a stain on your jeans, and she agrees to do her best to tend to the problem. Heh-heh, but since this is the Hotel DDF, that means it’s just code for “I’m going to suck your big dick, show you my cock sucking skills, give you a balls licking to remember, open my green eyes incredibly wide as I look up at you from my kneeling position before your hard meat”--in other words, reliable code for a horny POV video experience that you won’t forget anytime soon! If only real hotels could take a few tips from the personnel at Hotel DDF!!! ;)

  • 00:16:58
  • Jan 28, 2014
  • 274


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