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bare under her boots

If you have a hankering, pardner, for a cowgirl and her fine-tooled boots, well, come on down to the barn today and check out Danika as she lounges around in her halter blouse, cut-offs, boots, and cowgirl brim. Youll love the way she leans back on a barrel and shows off her taut thighs, spreading em so that we can see the little bit of denim fabric that covers up her warm lovely peach. Soon enough, though, shes showing us her core, while taking off her boots and giving them a good sniff. See, shes not wearing any socks, so there must be a good bit of perspiration in that footwear, and Danika gives us a nice sense of the aroma in this video. Our DDF cameras capture her in closeups, flexing her toes and soles, opening her legs really wide, and then standing up at the end to once again show off the firm beauty of her long legs while she stands on tiptoe. Youll worship the screen as this beauty from the Philippines goes through her moves with those size 6.5 pretties.

  • 00:14:06
  • Feb 05, 2014
  • 176


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