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her derriere treat

Eva Parcker can’t wait to take off her striped white minidress today and show you the dramatic blue lace lingerie frosting her ever so fine 40C-27-38 French figure. But once she peels her thong off that delectable derriere, we see that she is up to much more than just stripping! She primes her posterior with a red-manicured forefinger, then licks a bright pink plastic vibrating egg and then slides the throbbing treat into her bottom in her nude pics and Full HD video. The remote control in her hand does the rest, sending a pleasurable thrum throughout her body until she lets loose with a climax. Afterward Eva licks the egg off. Ah, those toys get to visit some of the best places in the world! Look for the lovely shot at the end where naughty Mademoiselle Parcker lays on her tummy, her round tush ready for a spanking!

  • 00:10:12
  • Mar 04, 2014
  • 269


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