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gams and clams

Ivana Sugar from Ukraine and Candy Sweet from Hungary relax in a living room today, reading magazines and sitting around in their pretty clothes, when suddenly they start admiring each other’s long shapely stems in hose and high heels. Soon enough Candy worships Ivana’s red legs and we see that the girls are wearing crotchless pantyhose, which makes licking so much easier. Moving on from their clams, though, the girls make love to each other’s gams, with Ivana licking Candy’s size 7.5 feet once she takes off Miss Sweet’s scarlet snakeskin pumps, and Candy lapping at Ivana’s size 6 peds likewise. The girls perch their shoes on the table frame while they get into kissing each other and posing their feet together, the contrast in their sheer red and black nylon adding a nice touch to the prurient proceedings. Enjoy the action as these gals explore leg loving pantyhose porn style captured in a Full HD fetish XXX video. Some great closeups at the end bring their feet and bottoms right up to your own faces for adoration!

  • 00:20:11
  • Mar 10, 2014
  • 219


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