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nightie distraction

Here’s Danika from the Philippines, a frequent visitor to our site, waiting seductively on a couch today, ready to distract you from more urgent matters so that you’ll spend some quality fantasy time with her. Outfitted in her white lace baby doll nightie, thigh high stockings and pumps, she tempts you with the crack of her bottom barely covered by the white thong, then reveals her tight little pink pie with its trimmed tuft of pubes on top. Oh she looks ready to eat! Sliding down the nightie, she frees her 34C bosom and caresses that in yet more teasing motions, until she settles in with her ivory bullet-style vibrator for which her clam obviously aches. Danika boffs herself doggie style and on her back, even lifting up her legs over the back of the sofa so our DDF cameraman can get some cool angles looking down as this hot babe cums in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics.

  • 00:17:28
  • Mar 11, 2014
  • 213


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