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she s made to thrill

That blue-eyed lovely from the United Kingdom, Lexi Lowe, pays us a visit today. She looks both very friendly and very seductive in her low-cut little black dress, which displays the lace stocking tops of her gartered nylons just as effectively as it showcases that mouthwatering 36D cleavage! Lexi stretches out on the couch, gives us striking views of her bottom barely bisected by her lace thong, and as she drops her clothes we get to enjoy more and more of her thrilling figure in matching red lingerie. She bares her bosom and then leans back to peel off her scanty and show us the shaved mound at the top of her thighs. There is one closeup shot of her gorgeous slit that will be be the cause of many shots of sperm around the world!! You’ll know it when you see it. Lexi gets nude, plays with her stockings between her pretty feet, and altogether gives us a rousing and shaft-stiffening show.

  • 00:18:16
  • Mar 14, 2014
  • 247


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