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toe tantalizer

Lexi Lowe is back today, and this time she’s outdoors and ready to tease us in her halter top, colorful shorts, white high-top sneakers, and frilly lace ankle socks. What a combination!! As she peels down her shorts she gives us a gander at those grand glutes, then after she flashes her quim she shifts her concern to her size 8.5 feet. Off come her shoes and she takes a deep whiff of their aroma, then she poses in her socks, regaling us with the rich color of her toenails underneath the fabric. This United Kingdom darling gives us some great pinup-style leg poses, as she stretches out those stems. She peels off her socks one by one and plays with them, wearing one like a glove and rubbing it against her pie. Lexi flexes her feetsies and wiggles her toes as our DDF cameras come in close to grab shots of her soles and toes from underneath. Get ready to spurt for this expert tantalizer as she finally stands on her bare tiptoes at the end of her Full HD video!

  • 00:14:36
  • Mar 19, 2014
  • 196


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