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the gift of stockings

Vanda Lust from Hungary looks soooo gorgeous when she greets soooo lucky Kane Turna today. Vanda is outfitted beautifully in a minidress that really showcases her bare curvy calves, and those shots alone are worth a few satisfying squirts!! You see, Vanda has the kind of smooth shapely gams that made classic Hollywood truly classic back in the 40s and 50s, when movieland s cinematic leg art reigned supreme the world over. Now today Vanda’s wearing purple animal print pumps on her size 7.5 feet, and Kane gives her a gift of nylon thigh-high stockings. The fortunate dude gets to take off her shoes and slide the hosiery up her pins, then worship her feet in them! Vanda sits over him with one foot in his mouth and one stroking his naked meat. She sucks him and rides his rod cowgirl style, then shifts to the footjob mode again, looking back over her shoulder with an arousing expression of feminine confidence and control as she kneels on the couch and jacks him from behind. Then she gets Kane on the floor and keeps tugging his tool, but she also sticks her feet toward us so we can imagine being in the scene too. It ends in a big creamy mess on her nylon stockinged soles that will stir many fantasies in ya! Vanda is our Model of the Day.

  • 00:18:05
  • Mar 21, 2014
  • 228


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