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riding to paradise

From Great Britain, that top-heavy brunette temptress Jasmine Jae pays us a visit with her 34DDs practically bursting out of the low-cut bodice of her little black dress. She is in a frisky mood, and lucky for her the Sybian machine awaits her pussy lips and crotch. Firmly grasping the upraised realistic shaft, this hot babe gives it some warm-up with her mouth in her Full HD erotic video by DDF Network, then tugs aside her blue and black satin lace thong to settle her quim on the toy.It slides in easily, right past her pierced lips. Using the remote control, she regulates the vibrations, which send her body into throbbing paradise and get her unveiling her boobs for our own eager observation. Jasmine uses the Sybian sex toy in many different positions, doing it doggie style and while leaning on her side, until finally squatting over it for the ride to her fulfilling climax. Would you like to join her for another ride and replace that plastic dong with your own shaft?

  • 00:29:28
  • Mar 23, 2014
  • 305


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