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glands and gapes

When you have two curvaceous cuties with major endowments in the breasticle department, you’re a lucky man. Such is the situation David Perry finds himself in as Jessica Moore from Hungary and Mandy Dee from the Russian Federation pay him a tantalizing visit. First they sample each other’s bells as Dave sits on a stool and watches with pecker in hand, then they get him on the couch where he can enjoy their equally matched 34DDs in tight proximity with his face, hands, and shaft. Jessica quickly goes for the gusto, taking his inches into her face and then in the warm valley between her beauties in this action-packed serving of big natural boobs, even as Mandy kisses Dave and serves up her nips to his lips. The busty pornstars glom on each other’s glands while David takes the position behind the delectable Dee derriere, plowing that bottom for all it’s worth and producing a very intense gape. Then it’s Jessica’s turn to take Dave’s knob in her bottom, even as Mandy licks and laps at her friend’s nipples. It all ends with Mr. Perry’s creamy contribution over their tatas, a fleshy shelf which the girls present in torrid tandem to his spurting tip as this presentation of big breast sex comes to a close!

  • 00:26:23
  • Mar 25, 2014
  • 519


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