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postman, do your duty

Do you ever wonder about the erotic aspects of various jobs? In today’s POV video we put you into the pants of a postman, who pays a visit to Akasha Cullen. You’re a smooth and friendly mail man, and your nice words toward the comely customer spur her curiosity about what it would be like to give you a blowjob! To paraphrase the old ditty, “Postman, Postman, do your duty, Deliver this letter to a real hot beauty!!” And so you make your delivery right into the sweet mouth of this frisky girl, who swallows your big dick with startling deepthroat skills, even as she looks right up into your eyes with her own incredible peepers. Discarding her duds as things heat up, she immerses herself in the cock sucking as her nipples harden and she gives you all the balls licking you can handle, as her graceful fingers with long white-polished nails handle your nuts with tender loving care. It’s no surprise that when you finally spurt and coat those fingers with lotsa cream!

  • 00:18:20
  • Apr 01, 2014
  • 123


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