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sweet awakening

We can’t think of too many fantasies nicer than of waking up next to Ava Dalush in the morning! This new scene brings the concept to life. Feeling a bit frisky as she tosses aside her satin sheets, Miss Ava spreads her sweet slot even as she gets up on her knees and shows off the luscious curviness with which she is blessed. What a fine bottom on this beauty from Britain! However, Ava doesn’t quite feel ready to rouse herself from the bed just yet, and lays back caressing herself and letting us enjoy the hills and valleys of her form. What an alluring thatch of pubic hair she has, too! Once she’s done enjoying herself, Ava slips into some lovely lingerie and an elegant little robe to start her day, and fire off some more daydreams in our minds!

  • 00:23:57
  • Apr 23, 2014
  • 222


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