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hot tongued magic

In today’s POV video, you and your girlfriend Amarna Miller are checking out a new apartment, and while you are impressed by the airy space and the bedrooms, you’re really more interested in taking out your pecker and putting it into the pretty Spanish redhead’s mouth. Yes, the presence of her down-to-earth, sensual beauty instantly inspires in you a throbbing insistent need! Amarna quickly gets down on her knees and takes your sausage into her lips. Your big dick gets plenty of cock sucking and balls licking. Soon she’s got you on the floor with your pants down, where she can enjoy your meat to the fullest while you only have to lay back and relax as she works her blue-eyed hot-tongued magic on your shaft, leading to a spurt that makes both of you quite happy!

  • 00:13:27
  • Apr 29, 2014
  • 223


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