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saucy and statuesque

That saucy British bird Charley Atwell returns today, fetchingly attired in snug sky blue blouse, navy blue miniskirt, and beige thigh highs. Opening her top, she tantalizes us with her bountiful 34DD rack, leaning over to give us vertiginous views of her vibrant va-va-vooms! Taking off her blouse completely, she teases us even more with her jugs in the lacy blue cups, and lets us ogle her bottom as she moves around on the carpet. Finally removing her bra, she stands before us with her hooters free, pushing them up with her arms and pressing her fists into her big nipples. Charley is statuesque indeed, never more so than when she’s standing up on her high heels, peeling down her thong, and showing us more of that jutting bottom, until she returns to the teasing mode with her ta-tas, holding up her glands to stimulate the ready production of our semen!!

  • 00:15:57
  • May 08, 2014
  • 324


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