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her splendid form

pornstar Charlyse Bella looks really scrumptious in her tight blue dress and matching strappy heels. As she lifts up her legs while sitting on the couch, we catch a glimpse through a blue thong of her lightly hairy veeg. She teases while still in her lingerie, but when she finally takes off her underwear, it’s a sweet sight indeed as we get to glom our eyes on her 38A-25-36 Portuguese bod! First Charlyse probes herself with her French-manicured fingers, then it’s toy time as she slides a big blue and glass item into her pie, showing herself off in the doggie position with the toy sticking out of her slot. You’ll love the shots also of her just stretched out pinup style, all 5’9” of her splendid form captured in pics and a Full HD erotic video!

  • 00:18:22
  • Jun 03, 2014
  • 242


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