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sophisticated senorita

Lorena, that stunning senorita from Spain, looks like one of those drop-dead gorgeous actresses you might see on the dramatic telenovelas on Hispanic television, and today she’s here at her sophisticated best in a little black dress, thigh high stockings, and stiletto heels. Alternating between bright smiles and sultry looks, she does a striptease for us down to her lacy lingerie, then sits on the edge of a sofa and shows herself off. She continues peeling, and pulls apart her alluring core so we can see the delights of her crotch. But Lorena keeps going until she’s completely naked, then gets on the floor giving us even more delicious views of her captivating slit and curvy bottom, as well as beautiful pinup-style poses. Don’t miss her new scene in pics and Full HD video!

  • 00:17:20
  • Jun 06, 2014
  • 272


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