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haze on his horn

We’ve all used the phrase “smokin’ blowjob” at one time or other, but Paige Delight takes it literally in her new scene and truly delivers the genuine article! Because as she handles the tool of Thomas aka Tarzan with her erotically red-manicured fingers, she enjoys a long cigarette, inhaling and then exhaling all over his jutting shaft! Surrounding his horn with a haze of smoke... Enjoy these sexy blowjob pics as Paige lets the clouds linger on the log which sticks out against her tongue. As she gets disrobed and unveils her huge knockers, Thomas holds her red ponytail aside so that he can concentrate on cramming his cork into her lips while she still holds her cigarette. Our DDF cameras come in super-close to capture her seductive eyes looking right at us while she gives that big dick the full Paige Delight cock sucking treatment, with balls licking and cleavage plowing and, of course, lots more smoke exhaling all over the rod that soon enough coats her chin with a facial cumshot!

  • 00:25:44
  • Jun 12, 2014
  • 211


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