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the perfect job

Lexi Lowe and her pink-polished size 8.5 tootsies from the United Kingdom really shine in this new threesome scene. She and the alluring French beauty Eva Parcker pay a visit to Choky Ice’s private shoe salon, where he fits them with new styles before getting down to the foot worship that motivates his business in the first place! Sounds like the perfect job to us. He gets to glom on their nylon stocking feet, then they return the sensual favor by rubbing all four of their sensuously sheathed peds on his bare rod. Lexi artfully positions her soles in sheer black nylons so we can imagine adoring them while she takes Choky’s dick in her mouth. Eva covers Mr. Ice’s face with her size 8.5 stocking feet, then Lexi rides him cowgirl style. Eventually the stockings start to come off, and in one nice sequence of this video, Lexi sits over Choky and presents her naked heel to him for his tongue worship. There’s so much action here, with lots more banging and blowing and foot play. Then Lexi laps up Choky’s cum after he squirts between Eva’s soles. Let’s make Miss Lowe our Model of the Day for her sterling participation in this prurient presentation!

  • 00:28:02
  • Jun 13, 2014
  • 369


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