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the yellow rose of orgasm

There’s a famous old folk song called “The Yellow Rose of Texas” which came to our mind when as we saw Wein Lewis hand over a yellow rose to Ally, a Czech blonde who could pass for a Texas cheerleader anyday! Wily Wein certainly seems to win our heroine’s heart with that blossom, because even as he holds it in his teeth (careful of them darn ole thorns, Wein!) Ally gets out his long horn to show her appreciation of HIS appreciation! Clothes quickly get shed for maximum maneuverability as Ally gives that big dick deepthroat whether she’s kneeling over his lap or held upside down in his arms while they stand and he laps at her labia. Sixty-nine further gets the juices and sweat flowing as Ally slurps her beau on their way to a creamy gush across her tongue and chin. That yellow rose sure led to a fine orgasm, pardner!

  • 00:23:36
  • Jul 29, 2014
  • 181


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