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marvel and squirt

One of our favorite Hungarian cuties, Vanda Lust, is just getting out of her bath. She wraps herself in a towel, but it doesn’t stay on long because she wants us to marvel and squirt at her terrifically taut tush and silky skin as she rubs in body lotion. We get peeks of her sleek squeaky-clean crack and rosebud as she kneads the cream across her buns, and then over her breasts. You’ll almost be able to inhale the scent of the lotion as Vanda settles down on the floor to work off all her stimulation. Into her shaved peach go her dramatically manicured fingers, and then she parts her flower so we can imagine ourselves diving in for a lick. And then, after all that uninhibited display, Vanda might even be at her sexiest at the end, wearing a pink flowered robe with a hoodie! Check out her pics and video and you’ll see exactly what we mean.

  • 00:12:50
  • Jul 30, 2014
  • 211


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