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feast of cleavage

Kyra Hot is back and she knows what you want to see! That’s why she’s dressed herself up in her bright yellow low-cut dress to show off her cleavage and those exciting thighs. Watch her arrange her curvy body on the bed, then take out her left knocker as a tease for our testes. How wonderful it would be to lick... Pulling down the frock some more, and lifting up the hem, Kyra gives us full vistas of her veeg and rack...parting her cunny lips with her pink-manicured fingers, and laying back so her 36C jugs pancake and sway across her torso. There’s a serene look in her eyes that lets us know she’s aware of how furiously we’re stroking, going for the big blast of satisfaction... But this Hungarian stunner is not done. Not by a long shot! She brings out the heavy artillery, in her case a double-pronged vibrator with which she can squeeze her nips but also cram into her slit and stimulate her clitty at the same time. With all these lovely sights supplied by this alluring gal on this first day of August, it would be impolite to hold off our first load too long! So let’s spray for Kyra as she presses her knockers together in a warm feast of cleavage!

  • 00:13:32
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • 268


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