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double trouble

Ada s starred in a couple of scenes with us so far, all hardcore, but first time going with two cocks at once. In this hot scene with Nikolas and Alexander she shows that she s a pure natural and a highly erotic being. The guys work her over in a sensual and seductive way, peeling her lingerie off and warming her up with cunnilingus and nipple play. She gets finger banged to a hot screaming orgasm before any kind of cock treatment, but soon after its a double sausage sandwich as she shows her skills in a double blowjob. Then its missionary and doggy and doggy by far is what makes her tick as she howls with pleasure from the deep thrusts into her quim. No scenes complete without reverse cowgirl, and the finale ends with a hot load of cum on her ass and in her mouth. What s next for Ada? We can t wait to find out!

  • 00:22:54
  • Aug 20, 2014
  • 211


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