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she s hooter heaven

Miss Kyra Hot is at her most alluring as she poses in a really pretty, colorful dress and white high heel peep toe pumps, then starts to peel down her bodice to reveal those mouthwatering 36C bells. We really love her as a blonde, it definitely turns up the heat on her already stunning appeal!! Kyra presses her knobs together with her upper arms, and they are two tan-lined marvels with big nips. She sets off so many fantasies! Just imagine, for example, sucking her jugs and rubbing up against one of her lush thighs at the same time, humping her and glomming on her heavenly hooters as the sperm sprays out of your cock hole! Yes, we’re afraid there would be a big danger of squirting on her leg before penetrating that glorious pink pie, which she reveals and fingers in big closeups!! Our girl has it all, including a big round bottom which she sticks toward our faces and spreads as she sits on the chair. Kyra really teases us intensely here, pulling on her nubs as she keeps invading her core with her brightly manicured fingers, while playing with her jugs, licking them, and squeezing them. Let’s make Kyra our Model of the Day for this molten-hot show!

  • 00:17:22
  • Aug 21, 2014
  • 302


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