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vision of perfection

One of Canada’s national treasures is Alyssa Reece’s derriere, as you will see when you study her new scene today. She greets us as she finishes a cup of coffee. Soon she’s running her hands under her loose robe to make us think about the 34A-25-36 delights barely concealed within. It doesn’t take long before this hot babe is unveiling her perky knobs and sweet clam in her Full HD glamour porn erotic video, but it’s when she gets on her knees or stands up that she gives our eyeballs the most stunning treat of all: her tush! It is so round, so firm, that it might have been drawn by an artist with a vision of the perfect posterior! Alyssa dedicates herself to the release of built-up tensions with a toy, and happily for us she sticks her flawless nates up in the air doggie style in her quest for climax. Hmm, maybe she should be called Canada’s “nate-tional” treasure?

  • 00:15:16
  • Sep 30, 2014
  • 200


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