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sweet and sizzling

Jasmine Rouge looks pretty indeed as she poses in her lovely fluttery dress and strappy heels. The Romanian sweetheart relaxes on the couch with a big friendly smile, and when she spreads her thighs we see her turquoise thong crotch peeking out at us. Lifting up her bottom, the hot babe gets in the mood for some exhibitionistic fun! In the blink of an eye in her Full HD erotic video, she gets out a long glass toy which she rubs in her cleavage and then against her bare 34D bells. Taking off her frock, she slides the toy into the barely there thong and presses it against her closely trimmed box. Into her hole it goes as Jas lays back on the carpet, taking the toy deeply and then squatting over it for a ride. But she has to slip one of her red-manicured fingers deeply into her slit at the same time to finally go over the top in her nude pics & very sizzling movie!

  • 00:25:20
  • Oct 07, 2014
  • 226


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