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triangle to happiness

When Kyra Hot comes home, she’s surprised to see her live-in boyfriend Choky Ice hanging out with the sultry Cinthia Doll, and being unfaithful to Kyra! And what surprises her even more is their boldness at going at it right in front of her!! Cinthia loses no time in taking Choky’s big dick in hand and applying the cock sucking treatment. Well, Kyra makes a quick inventory of her moralistic principles and realizes that in today’s world, to be uptight is not always to be in the right. So she cuts her stud some slack and joins the fun, making it a triangle as she slurps Choky’s tip while Cinthia does the balls licking. Dropping her dress, Kyra gives her titties to the Chokester’s mouth while Cinthia continues to suck him, even doing deepthroat. Choky gives Kyra some cunny-licking pleasure too. It all ends with the cream on the girl’s tongues, and a cum swap that shows there are no hard feelings when morality is flexible!

  • 00:11:04
  • Oct 09, 2014
  • 366


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