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cute and towering

Christen is cute as a button! This Hungarian delight is ready to entertain us in a strapless flouncy dress, high heels, and a thong. Flirtatiously she spreads those long legs (she’s 5’8”), flashing her yellow crotch panel, then reveals the smooth-shaven mound within. When Christen stands up to take off her dress, we get some great views of her height in those heels--she’s about six feet on those stilettos, ya know! Cute AND towering! Then she stretches out on her tummy on the carpet, with her underpants bunched around her knees and her shoes still on, and her tan-lined bottom looks so spankable. If only we could jump right into the picture and make that tushy tingle! But of course...EVERYTHING is possible in our minds...and you’ll have plenty of daydreams after you watch Christen show all!

  • 00:23:20
  • Oct 22, 2014
  • 206


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