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bananas are not enough

Watch the amazing Ava Koxxx from Great Britain as she shows off her phenomenal oral skills on the lucky Thomas Stone. It’s breakfast time and the amazonian Ava tantalizes Tom with a little banana flirtation, then gets him to glom on her 34I (as in ai-yai-yai!) knockers before he’s even started his corn flakes. But Ava’s in the mood for more than a banana...something that’s long, fleshy, veiny, and fills her mouth, and so she gets on her knees to absorb his shaft into her sultry face and lush cleavage, giving Tom a sucking and a plowing that would make anybody weak in the knees. After he sits on a chair for awhile, Ava (who’s 6’3”) stands him UP on the chair so she can easily throat him from that position, before he finally gets her squatting on her knees once more for the final plowing of her paps which leads to a big spurt on her dazzling bosom!

  • 00:18:04
  • Oct 23, 2014
  • 373


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