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lady heat

Gorgeous and elegant Alexa Tomas awakens in her big bed bare in the sheets. Our DDF cameras survey her as she begins to stir, and when we say “stir” we mean she starts stirring up the tight little furnace of lady heat located at the top of her thighs! Moving around on the sheets, this Spanish beauty slides her fingers inside herself, then gets on her knees and presents her bottom to us, inviting our participation in a doggie style daydream. But she hardly limits herself to that... Squatting on the mattress, she probes her pie deeper and deeper as we see it all in her new Full HD erotic video and nude pics. Those beautifully manicured fingers sure do a lot of digging inside her wetness--and they must taste delicious afterward! Ohhh yummy!!

  • 00:19:02
  • Oct 29, 2014
  • 290


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