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succubus at midnight

Emma Leigh aka Emma is one of the prettiest girls on our site. That’s why you should prepare yourself to be shocked out of your tighty-whities when you see her Halloween appearance today. Yes, this spooky gal is Emma from Great Britain! The young lady famous for her freckled, busty, ebullient aura is here in the wildest disguise possible to give you chills and gasps as you gaze upon her ultra-creepy midnight persona! Those fantastic 34DDD/E knockers prove that it’s Emma, and those amazing blue eyes too. Judging by the garland of flowers in her hair, she seems to be some kind of supernatural creature, a succubus perhaps who’s wandered in from the dark woods outside the house, and on whose stairway she poses to lure men to their dooms! “Come close, honey!” she seems to say in her pics and video, “make love to me, sugar, muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Happy Horror-ween!! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!”

  • 00:09:39
  • Oct 30, 2014
  • 248


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